BTW I view my use of social media as about 60% alone time or perhaps as high as 90% because I'm in control of whether I want to respond or remain silent much more a lurker and free to read what interest me. The internet has helped me in my alone time as it is information at my finger tips, and a way to help answer questions I have that come up all the time.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
How To Become Who You Are
by Brokeback Watchtower inbeing a jehovah's witness for many years has a very damaging effect on becoming who he really are, many of the drives we were born with get subverted to corporation's directives, and we stuff lots of ourselves into our shadow(jungian), as we take on the "new personality" we become an easy to manipulate corporate drone.
in other words we really loose contact with authentic self, and to some extent a little hollow.. a search for our true self will require some alone time and can be scary and filled with some perils.
i did it for some time and it can make you a little odd, and you could wind up doing some crazy shit but over all i will say it was necessary and eventually rewarding, and i gotten quite used to it and now a days i have people around but value my time alone when every i can get it.. anyway this video interest me and i thought i would share..
How To Become Who You Are
by Brokeback Watchtower inbeing a jehovah's witness for many years has a very damaging effect on becoming who he really are, many of the drives we were born with get subverted to corporation's directives, and we stuff lots of ourselves into our shadow(jungian), as we take on the "new personality" we become an easy to manipulate corporate drone.
in other words we really loose contact with authentic self, and to some extent a little hollow.. a search for our true self will require some alone time and can be scary and filled with some perils.
i did it for some time and it can make you a little odd, and you could wind up doing some crazy shit but over all i will say it was necessary and eventually rewarding, and i gotten quite used to it and now a days i have people around but value my time alone when every i can get it.. anyway this video interest me and i thought i would share..
Brokeback Watchtower
Being a Jehovah's Witness for many years has a very damaging effect on becoming who he really are, many of the drives we were born with get subverted to corporation's directives, and we stuff lots of ourselves into our shadow(Jungian), as we take on the "new personality" we become an easy to manipulate corporate drone. In other words we really loose contact with authentic Self, and to some extent a little hollow.
A search for our true self will require some alone time and can be scary and filled with some perils. I did it for some time and it can make you a little odd, and you could wind up doing some crazy shit but over all I will say it was necessary and eventually rewarding, and I gotten quite used to it and now a days I have people around but value my time alone when every I can get it.
Anyway this video interest me and I thought I would share.
Do You Think President Trump Will Be Impeached?
by minimus inwhether you like him or not.... it doesn’t matter.
do you think he will be impeached?
Brokeback Watchtower
No I think he will get 2 terms and no impeachment, and I'm not a fan of any prez to date.
Broadcasting august, clown Lett about painting the K-hall
by Gorbatchov indid you see the performance of stephen lett on august broadcasting?.
the illustration of painting the kingdom hall?.
used for explaining that you have to listen to elders even when they are totaly wrong?.
Brokeback Watchtower
Obey, Obey, Obey and once more Shut The Fuck Up and do what we tell you to do without question. Obey Obey Obey.
What a fucking clown this freaking immoral piece of shit is, with his wide open eyes and rubbery facial jaw wagging condescending style of delivery and his utter nonsense illustration for unquestioning obedience without a thought in ones' head about alternate routes. You can tell this guy lives in a corporation induced fantasy world by the type of utter bull shit dripping from his big fat flapping rubbery lips.
Ps: I hope he makes more videos and they get spread all over the internet he really does emphasis how loonie these ass holes really are with those facial expressions and the utter BS!
"Blood Guilty"
by new boy inguilt is such a wonderful tool used by the jehovah’s witnesses.
one of the terms they love to use is the term “blood guilty.” they have actually used this term to guilt their members into doing more and more “house to house activity” yes, they have said on numerous occasions at their kingdom halls and other major gathering that a person “could be blood guilty” for not going out in the field service activity enough.
the reason is simple.
Brokeback Watchtower
It was 1973 in the "Nation's Shall Know That I Am Jehovah" that they put it on really heavy that Jehovah would kill any one who didn't warn other's about their destruction/sword from Jehovah if they didn't change or something or other. I got sucked into to it at the time. Blood guiltiness was a pretty hot topic in the 70's that may even linger some 40 years latter.
I think that in today's climate in the Borg it is not such a hot topic as it was back then. Today's hot topic is AM#3 tight pants that disgust Jehovah because they are furnishing eye candy to the Gay community another big Jehovah no no.
Resolution of the 2018 JW Protest, London
by jwleaks inthe full resolution and press release can be viewed and download via the following link:.
august 18, 2018. on the weekend of the 11th and 12th of august over 100 people from 13 countries, including seven australians, gathered on the grounds of excel london and held a peaceful and colourful protest to coincide with the jehovah’s witnesses ‘be courageous’!
Brokeback Watchtower
Wish you guys the best in your resolute goals! Cheers!
Police use stun gun on woman, she was 87
by James Mixon inthe 87-year old woman often ventured outside-with a kitchen knife and plastic bag in hand-to cut a collect the plants for cooking.
aug. 10 when she crossed the street from her home in chatsworth, georgia, and arrived at a partially fenced lot belonging to the boys and girls club.
there, she began gathering the plants she needed.
Brokeback Watchtower
n Italy we also have Collar greens, but it's called Escarole he told me. He said , our Italian dishes are for more tasteful then you soul food dishes. That was over 40 year ago. I mention this because I believe escarole is a ingredient in minestre.
You might be right my grandparents were from norther Italy in the country and so may have called it that or something else like Monast, and chigotis come to mind anyway we made in in a soup with some kidney beans olive oil, I like getting the soup and breaking up some old dry bread to soak up the juice and then quickly frying it in olive oil.
"Blood Guilty"
by new boy inguilt is such a wonderful tool used by the jehovah’s witnesses.
one of the terms they love to use is the term “blood guilty.” they have actually used this term to guilt their members into doing more and more “house to house activity” yes, they have said on numerous occasions at their kingdom halls and other major gathering that a person “could be blood guilty” for not going out in the field service activity enough.
the reason is simple.
Brokeback Watchtower
I remember one talk given back in 1972 when I was becoming a JW was about the angel with a smashing instrument was told to kill every one with out the mark on the forehead(Ezekiel). And the explanation was that if we didn't engage in this life saving work we would become blood guilty. Yes the Watchtower uses all the psychological tricks it to get one in complete servitude to corporate directives even guilt before tribunal of men they are suppose to be obedient too regardless what they really think.
Police use stun gun on woman, she was 87
by James Mixon inthe 87-year old woman often ventured outside-with a kitchen knife and plastic bag in hand-to cut a collect the plants for cooking.
aug. 10 when she crossed the street from her home in chatsworth, georgia, and arrived at a partially fenced lot belonging to the boys and girls club.
there, she began gathering the plants she needed.
Brokeback Watchtower
Very sad way to treat our elderly my heart goes out to the poor lady. On a more upbeat note I remember as a kid going hunting for dandelions for an Italian dish called minestre. Very good and very tasty.
Broadcasting august, clown Lett about painting the K-hall
by Gorbatchov indid you see the performance of stephen lett on august broadcasting?.
the illustration of painting the kingdom hall?.
used for explaining that you have to listen to elders even when they are totaly wrong?.
Brokeback Watchtower
The virtues of disobedience to the Borg: